Artist: Kristin Chenoweth Album: Some Lessons Learner Writer Mine To Love What Would Dolly Do Higher Love Label: Sony Year: 2011
Quis valde vel ut augue valde aptent elit letatio hos. Ideo neque pertineo capto sit voco. Adipiscing praemitto blandit pertineo. Saepius eros sagaciter vulputate. Eros sagaciter diam occuro enim patria comis suscipit typicus nullus mara. Accumsan saepius euismod voco tego…
Artist: Aerosmith Album: Music From Another Dimension! Writer: Another Last Goodbye Label: Columbia Year: 2012
Artist: Alice Cooper Album: Welcome 2 My Nightmare Writer I Am Made Of You Underture Poison Label: Universal Year: 2011
Newly formed non-profit organization seeks to honor the world’s greatest Latin songwriters and their music. MIAMI, FL. (November 14, 2012) – To honor the greatest Latin songwriters of all time. To pay due tribute to the composers that have given…
The Rasmus has made a powerful and historic musical statement, by achieving number one status on four separate Finnish charts this week. #1 Album The Rasmus “Black Roses” #1 Single The Rasmus “Livin’ In A World Without You” #1 Download…